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Day: August 7, 2024

Vietnam’s VinHomes jumps on buyback news but foreigners exit stock en masse

Foreign investors, however, followed their own path, using the increased local demand to net-dump 1,935,886 shares worth around US$72 million. This has further diminished foreign ownership in the firm–at the start of last year foreign investors held about 24.30 percent of Vinhomes shares, that number has since come down to just 15.08 percent. ..

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Affordable Housing in Vietnam for Foreign Firms 2024

FDI can be a significant contributor to solving Vietnam’s affordable housing shortage, but it’s not a silver bullet. The development of affordable housing in Vietnam is hindered by a complex number of factors. Bureaucratic hurdles, land scarcity, and tightening credit conditions have created a challenging environment for both domestic and foreign developers, writes Huong Nguyen.

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Vietnam to sell itself as filming location in US despite censorship issues

In the past, Hollywood studios have generally used Thailand as a stand-in for Vietnam on the back of a more well developed film industry in Thailand as well as complicated procedures for getting approval to film in Vietnam. Most recently, producers of the Netflix series The Sympathiser, who had intended to film in Vietnam, could not get approval to do so on the back of censorship issues…

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Costa Rica recognises Vietnam as a market economy even if US doesn’t

Of note, trade between Vietnam and Costa Rica is relatively small. So far this year, the Central American nation has not featured in Vietnam’s customs data. That said, state media has been pushing the number of countries that consider Vietnam a market economy as a key reason why it should be upgraded by the US. With this in mind, it’s likely there will be many more announcements like this from smaller countries…

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