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Vietnamese to consume additional 2.56 million litres of soft drink by 2033

Of note, Vietnam is currently debating adding soft drinks to the list of items subject to the Special Consumption Tax. In the most recent version of a revised SCT, the Ministry of Finance has included a ten percent tax on drinks with 5 grams or more of sugar per 100 millilitres. This legislation, however, is still in its draft stage…

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Vietnam gold price jumps about 4 percent in one day

This is in line with the market moving to its own beat, often much higher than the world gold price, on the back of regulations that severely limit the importation of gold yet a culture that sees gold as an important store of wealth. This, coupled with challenging economic conditions, has fueled demand with the State Bank, reluctant to allow the import of more gold in the event it might put greater pressure on the local currency. Instead it has taken to selling gold from its own reserves to deflate the gold bar price…

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Vietnam state power provider reports first half loss of US$513 million

Of note, retail electricity prices in Vietnam are regulated and, though permitted, price rises are not all that common. This has led to EVN selling electricity below cost price. As of January, it was losing about VND 142.5 per kilowatt-hour sold. This has been ongoing for some time and has led to EVN accumulating the huge aforementioned losses. The issue here seems to be a reluctance to raise electricity prices rather than an inability to do so…

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Vietnam News Roundup: July 12 to July 18

This week’s Vietnam news roundup covers foreign trader stock market activity, electricity news, new manufacturing projects, State Bank currency management, the latest GDP growth estimates, the European Chamber of Commerce’s Business Confidence Index and more…

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Vietnam’s beer market to nearly double by 2032: Astute Analytica

These estimates come just weeks after the closure of the Heineken plant in Quang Nam, in central Vietnam which was big news with the provincial government set to lose out on VND 500 billion–or about US$19.8 million–in tax revenue each year. That is not to mention that a number of jobs will also likely be lost…

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Concerns raised Vietnam car registration fee cut could breach trade agreements

Car imports from Europe to Vietnam mostly came from France and Germany in the first half of this year and were worth a little shy of US$10 million collectively. Of note, import taxes on cars and motorcycles before the EVFTA came into force were between 32 percent and 70 percent. These will be progressively reduced to zero over the first seven to ten years of the agreement…

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Chinese battery to add US$300 million to northern Vietnam operations

Notably, back in June, a Singaporean battery maker also announced plans to increase its investment by US$5.5 million in southern Vietnam. The expansion of these battery firms aligns with increasing local demand for batteries. According to Mordor Intelligence, the Vietnam battery market size is estimated to reach US$326.32 million in 2024 and US$454.11 million by 2029. This is off the back of a compound annual growth rate of 6.83 percent from 2024 to 2029…

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Vietnam’s New Direct Power Purchases Decree: Unpacked

Last week, Vietnam issued Decree 80 creating a mechanism by which private enterprises and power generators can enter into direct power purchase agreements or DPPAs. Exactly how impactful this decree might be, however, is difficult to determine at this early stage with a lot of moving parts and a number of obstacles to be overcome. This article breaks down and puts into context the key components of this new piece of legislation.

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Vietnamese seafood-solar firm to invest in Mekong Delta wind energy

Notably, the renewable energy segment is a relatively new growth driver for Sao Mai–Sao Mai only started investing in renewable energy in 2017 when it established Sao Mai Solar. Currently, the firm operates the An Hao Solar Power Plant with a 210-megawatt peak capacity and Europlast Long An Solar Power Plant with a 50-megawatt peak capacity. These projects contribute about 5 percent of Sao Mai’s revenue, however, they account for 20 percent of the firm’s gross profit…

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World Bank maintains 5.5 percent GDP growth forecast for Vietnam

This is broadly inline with projections from the IMF in which it forecast 5.8 percent growth back in April and a report from Vietnam’s Institute for Economic and Policy Research which found that Vietnam is unlikely to reach its GDP growth target of 6.5 percent by the end of the year. The institute’s Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2024 instead found that GDP growth is likely to come in around 5.85 percent…

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Gold ring prices surpass gold bar prices in Vietnam

Of note, State Bank gold bars were previously being sold through four majority state-owned banks, at well below market price, with huge queues of customers looking to buy up the cheap State Bank gold. This has since moved online and now that demand is much less visible. That said, the rising price of gold rings could suggest there may be a supply side issue with respect to gold bars… 

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Vietnam considering 2.6 cent feed-in-tariff for excess rooftop solar

Notably, in 2017, to encourage renewable energy, the government implemented a mechanism to buy excess rooftop solar power at a preferential feed-in tariff price of 9.35 cents per kilowatt hour. This policy led to a significant increase in investments in rooftop solar power systems and subsequently ended in late 2020 due to concerns about uncontrolled growth of rooftop solar power sources. This rapid expansion caused challenges in managing the national power grid and since the beginning of 2021, the signing of rooftop solar power purchase and sale contracts has been paused…

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Mixed messages on future of FDI in Vietnam

Vietnam has used tax incentives as a financial lever to influence investment trends. Preferential tax rates for foreign projects are available at rates of between 10 to 17 percent, depending on the field and location, with some enjoying special tax rates as low as 5 percent. However, these tax incentives have been significantly diminished by the Global Minimum Tax–about 122 foreign companies have been impacted by the new tax in Vietnam, according to a review by tax authorities…

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Vietnam’s Vinfast delays North Carolina factory, status of tax incentives unknown

Of note, Vinfast was given a number of tax breaks and incentives by the North Carolina government to encourage its investment in the state. These amounted to a combined US$1.25 billion understanding that the firm would create 7,500 jobs and invest US$4 billion in its factory. This included US$325 million in funds provided up front for site preparation and the upgrade of infrastructure to service the plant, as well as training programs, with the rest tied to key milestones in construction and hiring. It’s not clear what will happen to these incentives in the context of the three year delay that has just been announced…

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Finland’s PYN Elite fund names embattled Vietnam Airlines stock pick of the month

The fund doesn’t really give any clear reasons for making this call but does note that the government gave the airline an extension on a US$160 million loan. It should be noted, however, that this was to avoid insolvency with the airline currently operating on negative equity. It also should have been delisted from the HoSE years ago, however, the government intervened to stop that from becoming a reality. In light of this, naming Vietnam Airlines as the stock of the month is an interesting decision to say the least…

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Vietnam’s biggest insurance firms to reduce state ownership

Notably, state-owned insurers held a dominant position in Vietnam’s insurance market share in 2023, with Bao Viet leading at 15.13 percent. That said, the Vietnamese insurance market is opening its doors to foreign investment. In 2022, a new Law on Insurance Businesses was passed that allows for foreign firms to wholly own Vietnamese insurance companies…

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